V. V. Bushuev [0000-0001-9288-4699]
Joint Institute of High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (JIT RAS),
Moscow, 125412, Russia
Annotation. The article discusses the topical philosophical problems of the worldwood and communication of energy and life in the environment: the basic principles of new meta-systemic world programs on the example of the ecocrine (environmental, economic and energy idea of the development of our planetary house). The concept, the world education (eco-guard) is a set of scientific knowledge that have established commonly accepted information and individual speculation representations, views and intuitive sensations about the world-system as a whole and its ot-delirious parts, the laws of their dynamic functioning and once-diversity, as well as a system of target vision of this, past and bucket as a whole. At the same time, on the basis of ideas about the cyclical nature of the development of earthly Okumen and the Eurasian civilization, an attempt to submit the structure of a new project “Target video of the New World” on the second half of the 21st century and for the upcoming 36-year period.
Keywords: Philosophy, Energy, Evolution, Miro System, Environment