Editorial board
Full name Academic degree, scientific title, place of work Position Zalikhanov Mikhail Chokkaevich (Editor-in-Chief) Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of […]
Full name Academic degree, scientific title, place of work Position Zalikhanov Mikhail Chokkaevich (Editor-in-Chief) Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of […]
The study presents the results of an estimative forecast for the individual components of environment in XXI century. The forecast is based on a regression model and insolation contrast range as a predictor.
The importance of developing a risk management methodology for the development of the renewable energy sector in Russia is justified. The stages of researches on the problem of risk assessments and management in renewable energy in MSU since 2015 are considered.
The article discusses the modern problems and prospects for the development of bioenergy of Russia. The possibilities of implementing the biodenergetic potential of Russia are considered. An overview of the effective technologies of the thermal conversion of biomass and describes new possibilities for using biofuels.
The article presents the data of International Renewable Energy Agency REN21 and Institute ofr Environmental Technologies AEF INTEC (Austria). In 2020 in electricity production hydroenergy topped (1170 GW, 4370 TWh), then wind enegy (743 GW, 1743 TWh), solar energy (708 GW; 901 TWh), bioenergy (602 TWh), geothermal energy (14 GW; 947 TWh)
The article containsa rough estimate of global investment costs that are required for the global energy transition to zero-carbon economy by 2050. The evaluations are based on the data on global energy supply and its forecast to 2050, assumption that all the global energy needs are to be satisfied only through non-carbon facilities
The article presents an evaluative forecast for the change of the Earth’s temperature behavior parameters in XXI century that was worked out with a regression model and insolation contrast range as a predictor.
The article discusses the modern problems and prospects for the development of bioenergy of Russia. The possibilities of implementing the biodenergetic potential of Russia are considered. An overview of the effective technologies of the thermal conversion of biomass and describes new possibilities for using biofuels.
There is presented the 2nd part of the article that points on the financial arrangements for wind station development, the principle investors and equipment producers. The work presents an analysis of 100-year development of the Russian scientific school, implementations of their concepts, the principle designs of wind turbine.
The article discusses the topical philosophical problems of the worldwood and communication of energy and life in the environment: the basic principles of new meta-systemic world programs on the example of the ecocrine (environmental, economic and energy idea of the development of our planetary house)
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