Butuzov Vitaly
Kuban state agrarian university, Krasnodar, Russia.
E-mail: ets@nextmail.ru
Abstract. The foundations of the Russian energy industry were laid when theplan for the electrification of the country was developed in 1920. A team of 256 people, incl. world-class energy scientists and engineers, using the many years of experience of the Russian energy scientific and technical school, in a few months, he developed a plan for the recovery and development of Russia. The formation in the XIX century of the domestic energy science, the contribution to its development by M.V. Lomonosov, I.A. Vyshnegradsky, F.F. Petrushev-sky. The important role of the establishment in 1880 of the Electrical Depart-ment of the Imperial Russian Technical Society, the publication of the maga-zine “Electricity” by it, the holding of national congresses and exhibitions was noted. Describes the higher educational institutions in which power engineers were trained at the beginning of the XX century, their participation in the activi-ties of foreign organizations. The achievements of their graduates, the results of the activities of the Commission for the Study of the Productive Forces (CSPF) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, on the basis of which the GOELRO plan was developed and subsequently created by the leading scientific research institutes of the USSR, are indicated. The socialization of the leaders of the en-ergy elite at the beginning of the 20th century is noted.
Keywords: Power engineering, electrification, power plants, energy scientificand technical school, Russian Technical Society (RTS), St. Petersburg Acade-my of Sciences, training of power engineers, socialization of the energy elite.