Larin Nicolay
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences
E-mail: larin.hydrogen@gmail.com
Abstract. The article presents an interview of Kirill Degtyarev, the Journal of the Environmental, Earth, and Energy Study deputy editor-in-chief, with Nicolay Larin, a geologist and researcher of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences. The subject is the concept of hydride Earth’s core that was first proposed by Vladimir Larin, a Doctor of Geology, in 1970th.
One of, but not the only by far practical consequence of this theory is the presence of free hydrogen seepages on the Earth’s surface and into the atmosphere, that can cardinally change the world energy industry so it would eliminate the problems of high costs and negative environmental effects of the present hydrogen production.
Keywords: Constitution of Earth, hydrides, hydrogen, hydrogen energy, geology