V.A. Butuzov
Kuban’ State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, 350044, Russia
E-mail: butuzov@newmail.ru
Abstract. A comparison of the capacities of geothermal power plants (GeoPP)in the world and in Russia according to 2018 data is presented. The implemen-tation of the Soviet large-scale geothermal project and the study of high-temperature steam geothermal deposits from the thirties of the last century to the present day are described. The experience of creating and operating for 66 years the country’s first Pauzhetskaya GeoPP with a capacity of 12 MW is ana-lyzed, on the basis of which measures for its improvement are proposed. Tech-nical solutions for a 2.5 MW binary power unit built in 2012 at the Pauzhetska-ya GeoPP with an intermediate working fluid for the use of separated liquid and steam condensate are presented. The experience of creating and operating the Verkhne-Mutnovskaya GeoPP with a capacity of 12 MW and measures to im-prove it are analyzed. Based on the analysis of the existing fuel regime and the characteristics of the explored geothermal deposits, it is concluded that it is pos-sible to fully ensure the electric and heat generation of the Kamchatka Territory through the use of geothermal energy. The data on the technical characteristics of the reconstructed Mendeleev GeoPP on Kunashir Island (Kuril Islands) with a capacity of 7.4 MW and mothballed Ocean GeoPP on Iturup Island (Kuril Is-lands) with a capacity of 3.6 MW are presented.
Keywords: Geothermal deposits, wells, separators, geothermal power plants(GeoPP), steam turbines, condensers, reinjection, binary power units.