Bushuev Vitaly1, Klepach Andrey2, Soloviev Dmitry1, Sokotushchenko Natalia1
Joint Institute of High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (JIT RAS) 2 Institute of Research and Expertise of VEB.RF (Vnesheconombank Institute)
vital@guies.ru, klepach.an@gmail.com, solovev@guies.ru, sokotushenko.nat@mail.ru
Annotation. On the basis of statistics of anomalous socio-natural, political andeconomic phenomena collected from various sources, all crisis events are con-sidered as a manifestation of a certain cyclicality, largely due to periodic pro-cesses of solar activity. In this article, the authors not only analyze the rhythm of these events in the past, but also using a specially developed neural model predict their cyclical manifestation for the coming period – until 2030 – 2050.
Keywords: neural network forecasting, spectral analysis, cycles, crisis