Y.N. Kucherov11, V.V. Bushuev2, A.V. Ivanov1,
D.A. Korev3, S.A. Utz4, A.V. Sheikhina5
1Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Standardinform” (Rosstandart), Moscow, Russia
2Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences (OIVT RAS),
Moscow, 125412, Russia
3AO “RVK”, Moscow, Russia
4AO “SO UES”, Moscow, Russia
5JSC “RTSoft”, Moscow, Russia
Email: 1 jk.velegozhlife@gmail.com
Abstract. The article discusses the challenges of integrating new energy and information technologies for large cities, with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the main sectors of the urban environment. Summarizing global trends in the development of smart cities, the harmonious combination of artificial and natural environment, the impact of the new technological order (Industry 4.0) and intelligent control systems for the organization of life-supporting infrastructure. Trends in the development of standardization of solutions and technologies in different cities.
Keywords: smart city, energy saving, critical infrastructure, sustainable development, new technologies, integrated solutions, horizontal integration, distributed energy, active consumer, standardization.
Acknowledgement. The study was carried out as part of the State Assignment (reg-istration number R&D AAAA-A16-116051810068-1).