Solar theory of climate change

01.06.2022 JeeesAdmin 0

The article presents an interview of the journal “Environmantal Earth and Energy Study” deputy editor-in-chief K. Degtyarev with the senior researcher of Laboratory for Geo-ecology ot the Northern Territories at Geographical Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, PhD Valery Fedorov.

Carbon Cycle and Climate Change

01.06.2022 JeeesAdmin 0

The article presents an interview of the deputy editor-in-chief of the journal Environmental, Earth and Energy Study K. Degtyarev with a Doctor of Biological Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Center for Ecology and Forest Productivity of Russian Academy of Sciences Dmitry Zamolodchikov.

Resource Consumption by Urban Settlements

01.06.2022 JeeesAdmin 0

The work traces the history of urban settlements of the world as centers of attraction, processing and consumption of material flows in the context of changes in the functions of cities from the Neolithic to the present. There is carried out resource consumption by cities at the beginning of the XXI century, current trends and pressure on the global ecosystem

Structural energy and life

01.06.2022 JeeesAdmin 0

The article deals with current philosophical problems of the world order and the connection of energy and life in the surrounding world. Based on the use of a systematic approach to the study of the current problems of the modern world order, the author introduces the philosophical concept of “structural” energy as a characteristic of qualitative changes in the evolving system.

Sources and Ways of Energy Transmission – Global Solutions

01.06.2022 JeeesAdmin 0

The article presents an interview of the deputy editor-in-chief of Journal of Environmental, Earth and Energy Study K. Degtyarev with Dmitry Strebkov, a RAS Academician, the Research advisor of Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM, and the Head of Chair of UNESCO Renewable Energy and Rural Electrification.  

New Russian Solutions for Solar Energy

01.06.2022 JeeesAdmin 0

The article presents an interview of the deputy editor-in-chief of Journal of Environmental, Earth and Energy Study K. Degtyarev with Vladimir Panchenko, PhD, a senior lecturer of Russian University of Transport (MIIT), a senior researcher of Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM. The topics of discussion are solar energy, prospects and newer Russian solutions in this field of renewable energy.