Vitaly Butuzov1,2,
1FGBOU Kuban’ State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, Krasnodar, Russia
Abstract. The renewable energy capacities in Ukraine on 01.07.2021 were at 9225 MW. The solar power plants were topping with 7284 МВт or 79% of total, including 6351 MW of network and 933 MW of household capacities. Wind farms followed it with 1593 MW. Bioenergy plants had 230 MW of the total capacities including 119 MW on biomass and 111 MW on biogas. The small-scale hydro plants had 118 MW. Solar and geothermal heating were not widespread. The article describes the activities of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences’ (NANU) Institute for Energy, results of state regulations of the renewable energy market, the state of affairs with equipment production for solar and wind plants.
Keywords: renewable energy in Ukraine, solar energy, wind energy, bioenergy, small-scale hydro energy, solar heating, geothermal heating, green tariffs, state regulations of renewable energy, scientific research on renewable energy.