Chekarev K.V.1,3, Zalihanov A.M.1,4, Solovyov D.A.2,5, Degtyarev K.S. 1,6
1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
United Institute for High Temperatures RAS, Moscow, Russia
3E-mail: kostya-chekarev@yandex.ru
4E-mail: bulungu@yandex.ru
5E-mail: dsolp@ya.ru
6E-mail: kir1111@rambler.ru
Abstract. Machines that transform kinetic wind energy into electricity havetoo large sizes because of low density of air. The authors propose a kind of floating power aggregate, where wind flow energy is converted into water flow energy that allows reducing dimensions of an energy transformer. The authors created a simulator of a wind-driven machine that transformed energy of both environs and performed experiments. The simulator was made as a catamaran that performed cyclical movements along an arc of a ring within the designated angular interval. The article presents the results of these researches.
Keywords: wind energy, hydro energy, marine power stations, patents, inven-tions.