Bityaeva Galina1,2, Sangadzhiev Mergen3
1FGBOU VO “Kalmyk State University named after B. B. Gorodovikov “, Elista
3Email: smm54724@yandex.ru
Abstract. The Republic of Kalmykia is rich in solar energy, where the sunshines for more than three-quarters of a year. In addition to solar energy, wind energy can be used in the region. Since agriculture is the major branch of the economy in the Republic, waste from it can be used as biogas. This paper dis-cusses the use of renewable energy sources in protected areas where additional noise devices and aggregates cannot be used. Also, the use of high-voltage power lines can lead to fires, and they occupy part of the useful area of nature reserves, so additional maintenance is required. To solve this problem, we ana-lyzed the current state of the reserve for the protection of saiga lands in Kal-mykia. The questions of insolation depending on the seasons and day-night characteristics are also investigated. The materials were the results of expedi-tion routes conducted in recent years in the Black Lands reserve, data from cor-dons. The obtained materials will make it possible to use non-traditional types of energy for lighting cordons, hunting and tourist areas, in particular, the use of solar modules of different designs. To promote specially protected areas and the use of solar energy.
Keywords: nature reserve; Kalmykia; deserts; solar modules; biogas; wind;Black Lands.