Nefedova L.V.1,2, Rafikova Yu.Yu.1,3,
1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2E-mail: nefludmila@mail.ru,
3E-mail: ju.rafikova@gmail.com
Abstract. The importance of developing a risk management methodology for the development of the renewable energy sector in Russia is justified. The stages of researches on the problem of risk assessments and management in renewable energy in MSU since 2015 are considered. The results are described: a list of risk factors and methods of managing them by using different kinds of renewable energy sources; internal and external components of risk factors that depend and not depend on the developers of RE projects are identified. The author’s methodology for assessing resource risks level in the solar energy industry based on the calculation of the variability of the statistical parameters of insolation is presented.
Keywords: renewable energy sources, solar energy, resource risks, risk management, risk factors.
The article was prepared in accordance with the state budget theme “Geographical foundations of sustainable development of energy systems using renewable energy sources” (121051400082-4).