Khairetdinov Ildar1,2, Denisov Konstantin1,3, Velkin Vladimir1,4
1Ural Federal University named after first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
2E-mail: ildar-hairetdino@bk.ru
3E-mail: denser93@mail.ru
4E-mail: v.i.velkin@urfu.ru
Abstract. The article discusses the question of the study of the effectiveness of foreign and domestic applications for calculating renewable energy sources. The focus is on integrated energy systems based on renewable energy sources. The functional capabilities of the VizProRES 2019 and Homer programs are considered. Descriptions of the VizProRES 2019 Homer software packages are provided for selecting the optimal composition of the main and auxiliary equipment based on renewable energy sources. The calculation of the integrated energy system for the consumer of the village of Rastushchiy of Sverdlovsk region.Key words: software package, renewable energy sources, photovoltaic Converter, wind power plant, integrated energy system