Vitaly Butuzov
Kuban’ State Agrarian University naved after I.T. Trubilin, Krasnodar, Russia
Abstract. The article presents the data of International Renewable Energy Agency REN21 and Institute ofr Environmental Technologies AEF INTEC (Austria). In 2020 in electricity production hydroenergy topped (1170 GW, 4370 TWh), then wind enegy (743 GW, 1743 TWh), solar energy (708 GW; 901 TWh), bioenergy (602 TWh), geothermal energy (14 GW; 947 TWh). In heat production biomass comes first (4323 TWh), then solar thermal plants (501 GW, 407 TWh), and geothermal plants (108 GW, 284 TWh). In Russia by 01.01.2021 capacities and electricity generation were respectively: all power plants – 245.3 GW and 1047 TWh/year; hydro plants – 50 GW (20.4%) and 207.4 TWh (19.8%), solar plants – 1.7 GW (0.7%) and 1.98 TWh (0.19%), wind plants – 1.03 GW (0.42%) and 1.38 TWh (0.13%).
The study also describes the state of the Russian market of renewable energy, and the role of the government in its development. There are presented the results of 2020 for small hydro energy (1182 MW), solar thermal (70 MW), geothermal energy (electricity – 84 MW and 428 MWh/year; heat – 110 MW and 280 MWh), bio-generation (electricity – 65.2 GWh and heat – 25.7 TWh).
Key words: renewable energy, electricity production, htar production, hydro energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, solar energy, bioenergy, renewable energy in Russia, Russian energy market.