Journal concept
Scientific, educational, cultural and educational online journal “Environment and Energy Science”, published in special thematic issues.
Since January 2019, the journal has been published in an electronic online version in the field of environmental sciences, geography, geoenergy and energy science (including RES) and publishes original articles on topical issues in the development of geography, ecology, new technologies and resources in renewable energy, theoretical and experimental results in physical, chemical, biological geoenergetics, studies of natural energy systems, the study of geoenergy processes in the environment and their interaction, including the use of information technology, GIS, cartography and satellite monitoring to solve fundamental and applied problems. Scientific articles published in it, thematic reviews and information about conferences, symposiums, expeditions and other events are of interest to the Russian and international scientific and educational community: specialists in the field of geography, ecology, economics, international relations, hydrometeorology, climatology, remote sensing of the Earth from space, the development of integrated energy systems based on renewable energy, monitoring, studying and modeling natural and anthropogenic systems and processes.
The journal can also be useful for teachers, graduate students and university students, schoolchildren and students of colleges of the relevant profile. The authors of the journal and members of its editorial board are leading scientists from Russia and the international community.
Review Process
All articles submitted to the editors of the journal undergo mandatory peer review. Reviewing is carried out in two stages. The first stage of reviewing is carried out by the editorial board of the journal, where the executive secretary or editor determines the compliance of the article with the subject of the journal, the requirements for registration.
If necessary, the article is sent to the second stage of review by an external reviewer on the principle of “blind” review. The number of experts required for reviewing is determined by the editor-in-chief and his deputies.
The editorial board and reviewers evaluate the thematic relevance of the article to the direction of the journal or thematic issue of the journal, the relevance of the topic, the novelty and quality of the study. The review should reflect the following criteria:
- whether the content of the article corresponds to the topic stated in the title;
- to what extent the article corresponds to modern achievements of scientific and theoretical thought;
- whether the article is accessible to the target audience of the journal in terms of language, style, layout of material, clarity of tables, diagrams, figures and formulas;
- whether the publication of the article under review is appropriate, taking into account the previously published literature on this topic;
- what exactly are the positive aspects, as well as the shortcomings of the article, what changes, improvements and additions should be made by the author / authors;
- recommended, recommended taking into account the correction of the shortcomings noted by the reviewer, or the article is not recommended for publication in the Journal.
Based on the results of the review, the article can be recommended for publication, recommended for revision or for refusal of publication.
An article not recommended by the reviewer for publication is not accepted for re-consideration.
Finalization of the article should not take more than 1 month from the moment the author receives the review. The revised article can be resubmitted to the Journal in accordance with the requirements for submitting articles to the Journal. In addition, a detailed response to the reviewer’s comments should be attached.
After making a positive decision on the publication of the article, the executive secretary or editor of the Journal informs the author about this and indicates the planned publication dates.
The results of the review of articles are provided to the authors upon request. The review period is on average 1-3 months. The text of the review is sent to the author by e-mail or through a personal account on the Journal’s website.
The editorial board of the journal reserves the right to make the final decision on the publication of the article.
The original articles and reviews are kept in the editorial office of the Journal for five years.
Periodicity of publication
Published four times a year
Open access policy
This journal provides direct open access to its content, based on the following principle: free open access to research results increases the global exchange of knowledge.
Editorial team
Chief Editor
Zalikhanov Mikhail Chokkaevich, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Lomonosov Moscow State University).
Deputy chief editor
Degtyarev Kirill Stanislavovich, Candidate of Geological Sciences, (Lomonosov Moscow State University).
Bushuev Vitaly Vasilyevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (JIHT RAS).
Executive Secretary
Solovyov Dmitry Alexandrovich, Ph.D. (IO RAS).
Editorial team :
Baburin Vyacheslav Leonidovich,Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor (Lomonosov Moscow State University).
Bezrukikh Pavel Pavlovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician-Secretary of RIA (MPEI).
Berezkin Mikhail Yurievich, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, (Lomonosov Moscow State University).
Bushuev Vitaly Vasilyevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (JIHT RAS).
Gulev Sergey Konstantinovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS).
Degtyarev Kirill Stanislavovich, Ph.D. (Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov).
Dobrolyubov Sergey Anatolyevich, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Lomonosov Moscow State University).
Zaichenko Viktor Mikhailovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (JIHT RAS).
Zalikhanov Alim Mikhailovich, candidate of geographical sciences, (Lomonosov Moscow State University).
Kiseleva Sofya Valentinovna, Ph.D. n. (Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov).
Krasovskaya Tatyana Mikhailovna, Doctor of Geological Sciences, Professor (Lomonosov Moscow State University).
Morgunova Maria Olegovna, Ph.D. (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden).
Nigmatulin Robert Iskandrovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS).
Nefedova Lyudmila Veniaminovna, Ph.D. (Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov).
Pokazeev Konstantin Vasilievich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Lomonosov Moscow State University).
Rafikova Yulia Yurievna, Ph.D. (Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov). Solovyov Dmitry Alexandrovich, Ph.D. (IO RAS).
Tikunov Vladimir Sergeevich, Doctor of Geological Sciences, Professor (Lomonosov Moscow State University).
Editorial ethics of the journal
The journal, represented by the editorial staff of the journal, strives in its activities to comply with the highest international requirements of publication ethics, which apply to the activities of all participants in the publication process: editors, authors and reviewers. The editorial staff of the journal follows the ethical standards of the International Committee for Publication Ethics (COPE), which includes impartiality to the materials of articles or authors of articles, ensuring a clear and transparent process of reviewing articles, non-distribution of unpublished materials, non-disclosure of personal data of authors and reviewers in the course of the review process. The editorial board acknowledges and accepts responsibility for the published materials.
Reviewers of articles should follow the rules of scientific etiquette and formal communication in the process of reviewing. If it is impossible to conduct a review, the reviewer must notify the editor in a timely manner. Reviewers undertake not to transfer peer-reviewed articles or information about them to third parties. The author of the article guarantees that her / his article does not contain plagiarism, has not been fully or partially published earlier in other publications and will not be published in other publications until the end of the review process in the Journal, does not violate any copyright, trademark, patent, legal right or property rights of others. If it is necessary that the process of publishing scientific research comply with the internal regulations of the organization, the text of the article must be approved by the responsible representative of the organization.
The authors guarantee that the text of the article is approved by all members of the team of authors. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the data in the submitted article. In case of detection of errors and inaccuracies, the author undertakes to immediately notify the editors of the Journal. In the case of using parts of the works of other authors, research results, data or graphic materials, the authors are obliged to make references to the publications from which it was borrowed. In case of non-compliance or violation of the requirements of publication ethics, the editorial board of the journal reserves the right to reject the publication and not allow the work of these authors to be considered.
Closed Joint Stock Company “Globalization and sustainable development. Energy Strategy Institute”
125009, Moscow, Degtyarny lane, 9, office 011.
Tel/Fax: +7 (495) 229-4241 ext. 224.
CJSC “GU. Energy Strategy Institute” Certificate of registration at the ISSN National Center
The publication has been assigned an ISSN number: 2658-6703


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