Valery Fedorov1,2
Denis Frolov1,3
1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2E-mail: fedorov.msu@mail.ru,
3E-mail: frolov@geogr.msu.ru
Abstract. The work is devoted to the use of methods of geoinformatics for the purposes of bioenergy. The main methods and trends in the development of this scientific area over the past 50 years are described. A review of international and domestic practice of research in this area has been carried out. Various methods of mapping bioenergy resources are presented, as well as tools that solve the problem of finding optimal places for placing energy facilities on biomass resources. The specifics of spatial data used in solving the problems of the bioenergy industry and the features of working with them in the environment of geographic information systems (GIS) are described.
Keywords: bioenergy, mapping methods, geoinformation systems, resources, geodatabases
Acknowledgement. The work was carried out in accordance with the state budget topic of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University “Paleoclimates, evolution of the natural environment and long-term forecast of its changes” (121051100135-0), “Danger and risk of natural processes and phenomena” (121051300175-4) and “Evolution of the cryosphere under climate change and anthropogenic impact” (121051100164-0).
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