Vitaly Butuzov1,3,
Dmitry Budnikov2,4
1FGBOU Kuban’ State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, Krasnodar, Russia
2FGBNU Federal Scientific Agro-Ingeneering Centre VIM
4E-mail: dimm13@inbox.ru
Abstract. The basic information about the postgraduate studies of 7 technical universities and one scientific institution, in which in 2021 the training of scientists in the direction of 14.06.01 – Nuclear, thermal, renewable energy and related technologies with specialization 05.14.08 – Energy installations based on renewable energy types was conducted. A total of 83 people were enrolled in them in 2021. The results of the analysis of the defenses of 117 Candi-Danish dissertations prepared by technical universities on VE from 2000 to 2021 are presented. with an indication of the leading organizations in terms of the number of protections, distribution by types of RE in general for all organizations and for the three leading ones. The data of 13 doctoral dissertations defended in 1998-2021 in the technical sciences of VE with their distribution by subject are presented. It is noted that the scientific level of dissertations is determined by the personality of the head of dissertations. The list of 12 scientific supervisors who have prepared three or more graduate students in VE for the defense is given.
Keywords: renewable energy, renewable energy sources, power generation, educational centers, graduate schools, PhD, doctoral dissertations, dissertation supervisors, dissertation councils.
- Energy Institute named after G.M. Krzyżanowski. URL: https://enin.su/ . Reference date – 20.06.2022.
- National research university MPEI. URL: https://mpei.ru/lang/en/Pages/default.aspx . Reference date – 20.06.2022.
- FGBNU FNAC VIM. URL: https://vim.ru/english/ Reference date – 20.06.2022.
- Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. URL: https://english.spbstu.ru/ . Reference date – 20.06.2022.
- Ural Federal University. URL: https://urfu.ru/ . Reference date – 20.06.2022.
- South-Ural State University. URL: https://www.susu.ru/ru Reference date – 20.06.2022.