L.O. Zhigalskaya
Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 220072, Minsk, Surganova st. 1/2, Republic of Belarus
E-mail: zhigalsk.geo1@mail.ru
Annotation. The article contains an economic and geographical analysis of the dynamics of the development of the hydroelectric power industry in the Republic of Belarus for the period 2000 – 2017. The paper discusses the features of the dynamics of the production of electric energy, installed capacity and location of hydroelectric power industry in the country. As a result of the study, we can conclude, that there are the sharp growth of the power potential and geography expansion of the hydroelectric power industry in Belarus in recent years thanks to the implementation of state programmes, which led to shifts in the regional structure and the transition of the territorial structure of the industry from focal-localized to discrete-localized.
Keywords: economic geography, hydroelectric power station, dynamics, territorial structure, location.