V.V. Bushuev1[0000-0001-9288-4699], V.V. Pervukhin2 [0000-0003-4782-2389]
1United Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences (OIVT RAN), Russia,
125412, Moscow, Izhorskaya str., 13/2
Institute for Energy Strategy, Russia, 125009, Moscow, Degtyarny pereulok, 9, office 011.
1E-mail: vital@guies.ru, 2E-mail: valperv@yandex.ru
Abstract. The authors expose their understandings on the cycle of human civi-lization on the base of synthesis of multi-year researches in different fields from anthropology to the modern philosophy and mathematics. The results of the work can serve as an impulse for more profound analysis of the world civiliza-tions cyclicality.
Key words: civilization, cycles, solar activity, globalism