Russian geothermal energy: analysis of hundred development of scientific and engineering concepts

V.A. Butuzov

Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, 350044, Russia


Abstract. The data on the installed capacity of geothermal power plants (GeoES), geothermal heat supply systems in the world, potential reserves of Russian geothermal deposits, maximum volumes of extracted resources are presented. The complex nature of geothermal energy is pointed out, in which geologists, hydrologists, geochemists, mining thermal physicists, and power engineers themselves work. Deep and surface geothermies (up to 400 m) have been identified. The features of geothermy and petrogeothermy proper (heat of dry rocks) are noted. An analysis of the development of geothermy in Russia since 1905 is presented. An analysis of the results of the work of the main four Soviet geothermal schools is presented: Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Dagestan. The Soviet management structure for exploration and production of geothermal coolant, a methodology for creating geothermal heat supply systems and examples of their successful implementation are described. The achievements of the main modern organizations of Russia on the study of geothermal problems, the creation of geo-electric power stations and geothermal heat supply systems, including surface and combined (solar-geothermal), are indicated.

Keywords: geothermy, wells, fields, geothermal power plants, geothermal heat supply systems, geothermal circulation systems, petrogeothermy, field development, reinjection